Below we have compiled and answered the most important and most frequently asked questions for you in a target group-oriented manner. If you cannot find your question in the FAQs, we will be happy to help you in a personal meeting.
For a better overview, we have divided the questions into the following categories:
- Questions from applicants or interested parties - Questions from active scholarship holders (incl. renewal procedure) - Questions from sponsors and potential sponsors
You will receive your acceptance or rejection letters for the Deutschlandstipendium in mid/end October.
All students and school leavers who are enrolled at the University of Wuppertal can apply. As described on our page on the application procedure (link): Don't be afraid to apply. Your social commitment and the hurdles you have successfully overcome in your CV play just as important a role in the selection process as your (very) good educational achievements.
Of course, people with a refugee background can also apply for the Deutschlandstipendium.
As a scholarship holder, you will receive 300 euros per month, half of which is covered by your sponsor and the other half by the federal government
No. The scholarship is paid regardless of other types of income, for example from mini-jobs or student jobs. However, the Deutschlandstipendium cannot be combined with all other scholarships. You can find more information in the section on dual funding.
The approval is usually valid for two semesters, i.e. for a period of one year, provided that the requirements according to the scholarship guidelines are met. The university then checks again whether the funding criteria are still met. If the pro rata private funding is still available, funding is then granted for a further study period. The maximum funding period depends on the standard period of study in your respective degree program. Funding can be granted up to the end of the standard period of study.
You can only apply for the last two semesters of your degree course within the standard period of study. For example, if your Bachelor's degree course is six semesters within the standard period of study, you can apply for a maximum of the 5th and 6th semesters. If you are already studying for a Master's degree and the standard period of study is four semesters, for example, you can apply for a maximum of the 3rd and 4th semesters.
No. According to the Scholarship Program Act, only students up to a consecutive Master's degree are eligible for this scholarship. Scholarships for doctoral students are offered by numerous other foundations and junior researcher programs. Information on this can be found on the website of the University of Wuppertal at www.stipendien.uni-wuppertal.de.
No. Only applications that have been completed in the online portal within the deadline can be processed.
School and academic achievements are an important point of reference for assessing the performance and talent of applicants (A-level grades, etc.). However, other criteria such as involvement in an association, politics or the church, raising own children, caring for relatives, helping out in the parental business or overcoming particular biographical obstacles also count in the selection process. The application and selection process should take the applicant's entire personality into account.
Each application is assessed and evaluated in its overall context. There is therefore no predefined grade point average, but an average of at least 2.3 should be achieved.
All achievements will be taken into account for the Deutschland-Stipendium. Please refer to your current Studilöwe account statement for your average grade. In degree programs without ECTS points, please calculate an unweighted average by adding up all the examinations you have passed and dividing the total by the number of examinations added together. As proof, please enclose a current Studilöwe account statement or the certificates you used to calculate the average.
ECTS points are the credit points that you earn during your studies and that are indicated on your Studilöwe account statement.
The scholarships are awarded by selection committees of the individual faculties of the university of Wuppertal.
Parallel funding is generally possible, but only if the other funding received by the scholarship holder is of a non-material nature. Anyone who already receives funding of more than €300 per month cannot also receive the Deutschlandstipendium. You can find more details in the following PDF document.
No. The Deutschlandstipendium is a supplement to BAföG/student finance services. BAföG/student finance services are designed to enable as many people as possible to pursue education and training. The Deutschlandstipendium specifically supports particularly talented students. Scholarship holders can combine both funding measures without any restrictions.
The scholarship is granted as a subsidy (it is not repayable as a grant within the meaning of budgetary law).
As a successor, you can move up to a vacant place at any time during the scholarship year (October - September) if existing scholarship holders lose their funding commitment due to the end of their studies or other reasons.
The funding commitment ends in September of the following year and can therefore be less than 2 semesters, depending on when you move up.
Scholarship holders
No. If you have already received funding during your Bachelor's degree and have successfully completed it and meet the criteria for an extension, you can also apply for an extension during the transition from Bachelor's to Master's degree.
The maximum funding period depends on the standard period of study in your respective degree program. Funding can be provided up to the end of the standard period of study. An application for an extension can be submitted within the standard period of study up to a maximum of the last and penultimate semester. The prerequisite for this is that the grade point average is at least "good" (2.3) and at least 45 credit points have been achieved in the last two semesters.
The standard period of study relevant for an extension or application is the number of semesters according to the respective examination regulations.
The increase in the standard period of study due to the corona pandemic ("individual standard period of study") is not relevant for the Deutschlandstipendium.
However, the funding can be extended by one semester beyond the standard period of study upon justified application or due to a stay abroad.
An application for continued funding must be submitted at least four weeks before the end of the funding period. You will receive a letter with information on deadlines and criteria in good time. As part of your extension application, you must provide evidence of your academic achievements from the previous academic year. Please also use the following Excel file or the corresponding PDF.
No. According to the Scholarship Program Act, only students up to a consecutive Master's degree are eligible for this scholarship. Scholarships for doctoral students are offered by numerous other foundations and junior researcher programs. Information on this can be found on the website of the University of Wuppertal at www.stipendien.uni-wuppertal.de.
The Deutschlandstipendium will continue to be paid for one semester if you change universities within or outside Germany, in order to give you the opportunity to orient yourself at the new university and to apply for the Deutschlandstipendium or other scholarships at the new university if necessary.
When you finish your studies, the scholarship funding ends. If you successfully complete your studies, your funding will end either when your overall results are announced or at the latest two months after you take your last exam.
If you are exmatriculated instead, change your degree course or even drop out of your studies, the funding will end in the same month.
Yes, you can temporarily waive your Deutschlandstipendium, for example if you can receive more funding for a certain period of time. However, this does not extend your Deutschlandstipendium approval period.
Whether the scholarship continues to be paid during a leave of absence depends on the nature of the leave. For example, if you are on leave of absence to care for a family member, due to pregnancy or to raise children, the Deutschlandstipendium will not initially continue to be paid. However, the approval period will be extended by the duration of the leave of absence once you return to your studies.
If you take a leave of absence for a compulsory internship or a semester abroad instead, the scholarship will continue to be paid without interruption. However, this only applies if it is part of your degree course or examination regulations. If it is a voluntary internship, for example, the scholarship will be paid as described in the first section.
Yes, if you are a scholarship holder with the ERASMUS+ program, you will continue to receive the scholarship. This is even the case if you also receive funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for this period.
Parallel funding is generally possible, but only if the other funding received by the scholarship holder is of a non-material nature. Anyone who already receives funding of more than €300 per month cannot also receive the Deutschlandstipendium. You can find more details in the following PDF document.
As the Deutschlandstipendium is counted as part of the scholarship holders' own income and they are primarily expected to support themselves independently, it will be applied to your maintenance claim.
No. You or your parents will continue to receive child benefit while you are receiving the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship
In the case of a study-related stay abroad, the number of ECTS points to be submitted is reduced from the regular 45 points to 23 points for the academic year.
You can move up to a vacant place at any time during the scholarship year (October - September).
The funding commitment ends in September of the following year and can therefore be less than 2 semesters, depending on when you move up.
Your involvement with the Deutschlandstipendium also offers you a variety of benefits. Firstly, through your sponsorship you will get to know talented, forward-looking and hard-working students who look forward to working with you. Subsequently, you will strengthen Wuppertal as a location in the field of science on the one hand, but also in economic terms in the long term, as your scholarship holders can expect outstanding achievements in their careers.
From a macro perspective, you will become part of a still young scholarship culture in Germany, which, among other things, would like to reach students who, in addition to outstanding achievements at school and university, can also shine through social commitment or by overcoming biographical hurdles.
The Deutschlandstipendium aims to support students who are expected to achieve outstanding academic and professional results. However, biographical hurdles and social commitment are also taken into account in the selection process.
At the University of Wuppertal, scholarships begin at the beginning of each winter semester. Due to the administrative work involved, the scholarship award ceremony usually takes place at the beginning of November.
Normally, companies, institutions and foundations contribute €150 per month to student scholarships - a further €150 comes from the federal government. On your own initiative, you can increase your funding amount, which is then paid out to the scholarship holders you support. The contribution from the federal government remains at €150 in any case.
Your commitment is initially valid for one year, i.e. for the following winter and summer semester. If the scholarship holders subsequently still meet the selection criteria and you are interested in longer-term funding, we would be delighted to extend a scholarship. Scholarship holders can be funded until the end of their standard period of study.
Yes, the office will also be happy to help you make contact. We are pleased about the common practice at our university, where a close network between students and donors has developed over the last decade. You are also welcome to invite the scholarship holders to internships, events or for further exchange, which goes beyond the excursions and meetings organized by the office.
Yes, the Deutschlandstipendium explicitly allows you to work, for example in the form of a student job. However, we ask you to consider the cooperative nature of the scholarship: The award of a scholarship must not be linked to any direct consideration. Commitment that goes beyond the scholarship network is voluntary on the part of the donors and scholarship holders.
We would like to refer you to the Deutschlandstipendium service center. You can find more information in their FAQs at www.servicezentrum-deutschlandstipendium.de. If this does not answer your questions, you can also contact the Service Center team by phone or email.